Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stuffed Bell Peppers

This is one of my favorite quickie meals. Usually one is more than enough for one person to eat. Also, a good way to use up leftovers from a taco dinner.

What you need:
One Bell Pepper (any color; I prefer green)
1 pound ground beef
Taco seasoning [Or, if you're doing the leftovers version, just use the leftover taco meat]

What you do:
1. Cook the meat until brown, make taco seasoning as printed on package.
2. Cook the rice.
3. As the meat is browning, cut the top off of a Bell Pepper, hollowing the pepper from seeds and any of the soft bits. Cut the top up into little pieces and throw in with the beef when it is nearly done.
3a. If you're using leftovers, just heat the beef in the microwave and add to the rice.
4. Once the meat and rice is done, mix them together, and spoon into the bell pepper.
5. Enjoy--my favorite way to eat it is to bite the pepper as if I'm eating a burrito.

Note: I haven't done this before because I like the raw peppers, but you could roast the pepper in the oven if you want something a little softer. Like I said this is a good go-to for leftovers.

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